Other services

These services are dedicated to those who are moving to or are already living in Rome and need some help:

  • Work on the house and domestic emergencies: contact with and quotes from specialised firms (electricians, plumbers, painters, carpenters, etc.)

  • Consultation with a qualified architect regarding modernisation, interior decoration and buying furniture

  • Help finding a babysitter, domestic help or service staff, with specific language skills if needed

  • Guidance for purchasing furniture, and large and small domestic appliances with home delivery and installation

  • Contact for renting furniture and furnishings for offices and homes

  • Contact and quotes with specialised cleaning companies

  • Shopping guide with interpreter and language support (5-10-20 hour packages)

  • Interpretation and language assistance on request (daily or hourly)

  • Assistance with buying new or used cars and scooters

  • Assistance with signing up for home, car or accident insurance

  • Assistance with opening a current account at an Italian bank

  • Help finding doctors, specialists and dentists who speak English or other languages ​​of interest to the client

  • Help finding and enrolment with a paediatrician and a basic medical practitioner (in the National Health Service)

  • Storage of furniture and household goods in warehouse

  • Reservations for catering services for evenings and events at home

  • Babysitter and waiting staff on call

  • Booking birthday parties for children in ad hoc spaces and facilities

  • Help finding vets and dog sitters

  • Organisation of holidays and tours for relatives and friends visiting Italy

  • Customer specific inquiries and on-demand services

  • Quotations on request

  • Creation of customised packages

Send us an e-mail for more info